Month: March 2020

  • Searching for structure in a chaotic world

    The past week for college students across the country has been stressful to say the least – within the span of just a few days we went from just washing our hands more often to having the rest of the semester move online and moving off of campus. These high-speed changes are jarring and difficult…

  • Gustavus Operations Under Minnesota’s Stay at Home Order


    TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: President Bergman SUBJECT: Gustavus Operations Under Minnesota’s Stay at Home Order DATE: March 25, 2020 My thoughts are with all of you as we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past two weeks, even while things changed from day to day, I saw our community step up…

  • What to do when there’s nothing to do

    On any normal day, having no responsibilities and time off from class sounds fantastic, but when it comes to days of staying inside, Netflix and doing absolutely nothing gets old real fast. Having to stay inside has led to doing some interesting activities. “I’ve playing Animal Crossing for the past three days straight,” Junior Martha…

  • Daily Update: March 25, 2020


    Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced a “Stay at Home” order that will be in effect from 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 27 through 5 p.m. on Friday, April 10. President Bergman sent a message to the Gustavus community (linked below). Additional information was also communicated to students (linked below), faculty, and staff.

  • Gustavus Operations Under Minnesota’s Stay at Home Order

    The College will further limit on-campus employees and offerings. Students living on campus will continue to be supported with essential services.

  • Tradition of Excellence: Harren Captures 2005 NCAA Cross Country Title

    In the absence of sports for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year, Gustavus sports information will provide a series of stories to take a look back at great moments in Golden Gustie athletics history, celebrating its proud tradition of excellence.

  • Live Performances Online and Other Arts Resources

    See below for a collection of performances and other art sources that have been made available for free online, plus a list of sites that offer performing arts content for a fee. Follow Gustavus Theatre and Dance on social media! TwitterFacebookInstagram Dance Nederlands Dans Theater 2 NDT 2 performing Edward Clug’s Mutual Comfort. Free until…

  • Stay safe online while working remotely

    During these uncertain and stressful times it is important to remember to keep information security in the forefront of your mind.  Accessing campus resources remotely is more complex and creates more challenges thereby creating opportunities for scammers. There is an increase in phishing attempts and scammers are increasingly taking advantage of the fears surrounding Coronavirus/COVID-19. …

  • Daily Update: March 24, 2020


    Gustavus Technology Services (GTS) continues to support faculty and staff in transitioning to online teaching and work-from-home and has posted a blog on the GTS website with more information. The Academic Support Center has developed a primer for students adjusting to online courses and will be distributing it in the coming days. Limited on-campus operations…

  • Dr. Bunge and Dr. Cha Announce New Minor on Interfaith Leadership

    The Religion Department – spearheaded by Dr. Marcia Bunge and Dr. John Cha – is launching a new minor in Fall 2020 focused on Interfaith Leadership. As Drs. Bunge and Cha write, “Religion is a fact and factor worldwide, and over 80% of human beings on the planet self-affiliate with a religious tradition. Given the…