Year: 2020
St. Peter bowling alley owner admits to accidentally starting fire
As much of the Saint Peter community knows, the KingPins bowling alley, frequented by many Gustavus students, burned down the morning of February 16. Many in the Gustavus community expressed shock and sadness at the news, and many have been anxious to hear about the cause of the incident. The alley was originally constructed in…
Gustavus moves forward with Lund Center Renovation
Most Gusties are familiar with the long-standing rumor that The Lund Center is to be the next building on campus to be renovated. On February 21, President Bergman confirmed this by sending all students and faculty an email detailing the next steps in the process. “I am pleased to announce that we have received approval…
Lynnea Myers ’05
Lynnea Myers ’05 recently completed a second Ph.D. at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden on November 22, 2019. Lynnea’s Ph.D. thesis was titled “Morphological Variants in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” and resulted in manuscripts (3 published, 1 under review, 1 pending submission) on the identification of morphological variants in a unique cohort of twins recruited from…
MIAC Cancels Spring Sports Season
The Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) Presidents’ Council has voted to cancel the 2020 conference regular season and postseason championships for spring-sports through the remainder of the academic year, effective immediately. The decision was based on the ongoing impact of the coronavirus, following the lead of the NCAA canceling spring-sport championships and many other conferences…
Rikka Holiday ’08
Rikka Holiday ’08 is a Client Success Manager at Foundant Technologies in Bozeman, MT. Foundant Technologies specializes exclusively in making philanthropy easier and more impactful through intuitive technology solutions. All of our cloud-based solutions focus on grantmaker, grantseeker, scholarship provider and community foundation needs with the goal to make day-to-day tasks streamlined and help maximize…
Women’s History Month: Notable Gustie Alumnae
Happy March, Gusties! In the United States, March is Women’s History Month, a month dedicated to celebrate the often-overlooked contributions of women in history and highlight their vital role in American society. Another important date, International Women’s Day, was observed recently on March 8. This day is recognized globally and acknowledges the social, political, economic,…
Bryce Kroells ’14
Bryce completed the MBA program at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management in December 2019.
Networking works
With job and internship hunting season in full swing, it can be stressful leaving your future job in the hands of an electronic application which recruiters see hundreds of everyday. I don’t think any of us are unfamiliar with the word networking, but some may be unfamiliar with how to do it. Networking truly does…
Samantha (Engh) Chadwick ’06
Birth, of Matheo Haakon, was born to Samantha Engh Chadwick ’06 and Matthew Chadwick, on 11/12/2019 Matheo joins his older brother Cassidy and sister, Evey. In addition to parenting, Samantha continues to work as the Deputy Campaign Manager for Save the Boundary Waters.
The Great Girl Scout Cookie Debate
Girl Scout Cookies are a national staple, and we are currently in the thick of cookie season. Girl Scouts are selling their wares in front of every building that exists, and all your relatives with six year-olds are Facebook messaging you about it. We buy these overpriced boxes of heaven every single time we see…