Author: admin
Technology Services Updated Hours
Technology Services will have updated availability starting the week of Nov. 23. With an exception for Thanksgiving, our office will be open and staff will be ready to assist you according to the following schedule: November 23-25, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. November 26-27, Closed Nov 30-Dec 15, M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We…
Supplemental Technology Requests
GTS has updated their technology request process to accommodate the post-Thanksgiving learning transition. If you are in need of a laptop, webcam, MiFi, or something more specific, please submit your request at
Google Cloud Print end of life
Google will be deprecating Google Cloud print in December 2020. If you are using GCP to print, we recommend migrating to another solution. Technology Services has implemented a replacement for GCP called Mobility print. For more information on this option, please use the link below. For more information on printing options, please visit the…
About the Website Redesign
Technology Services has begun working with the Marketing and Communication team to refresh the College’s website with a goal of relaunching in spring/summer 2021. While we have been through this process many times before, it is always one fraught with anxiety as we scramble to gather and process input from the community before, ultimately, translating…
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Phishing and Ransomware
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails claiming to be from a reputable source in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information such as passwords or credit card information. It is a tool used to try to coerce people into clicking on a malicious site or to download malicious software such as Ransomware. …
Google Workspace Marketplace app changes
The Google Workspace Marketplace offers the ability to enhance the experience provided by Google Workspace by integrating with other third-party apps such as Zoom. Although this provides benefits, there are also additional risks as well. Installing a third party app from the marketplace will increase the risk of data exposure since the information available in…
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Data Breaches
Data breaches happen all the time, and often they are accompanied with little fanfare or subsequent notification to you, the user. If you’re concerned that your data may have been exposed, there’s a tool that can quickly cross-reference your Gustavus email address (or your personal email address) with known data breaches. Simply follow these steps…
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Passwords
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Technology Services will be sharing some important safety tips to help keep you safe online. The first in our series involves passwords. Below are some key points to remember about passwords. Use Two-factor or Multi-factor authentication. This prevents 99.9% of attacks on your account. Do not share your passwords…
Zoom Cloud Recording
Our campus-wide Zoom license comes with a finite amount of cloud recording space. You may be using this space to record lectures, meetings, and other virtual events for later sharing and viewing. Our plan is for the currently allocated cloud recording space to carry us through the semester, but longer term, we will need to…
Return to Campus Updates
Technology Services is here to help answer your questions and provide you with support while you return to life on campus. It’s great to have you back! Technology Services will be open limited hours during the upcoming move-in weekend. Move In Weekend Technology Helpline Hours Friday, September 25th 8 am – 4:45 pm Saturday, September…