Year: 2020
Tradition of Excellence: 2015 Volleyball Wins 27 Straight
In the absence of sports for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year, Gustavus sports information will provide a series of stories to take a look back at great moments in Golden Gustie athletics history, celebrating its proud tradition of excellence.
Monday Moments with President Bergman: March 23, 2020
TO: Gustavus Employees FROM: President Bergman SUBJECT: Monday Moments with President Bergman DATE: March 23, 2020 There are times when the best message is a simple one, and today feels like one of those times. So here it is: THANK YOU! You have stepped up, chipped in, gone the extra mile, and bent over…
Turn the Page: Book Suggestions from Gustie Professors
Stuck at home? We asked professors to take a break from online course preparation to make reading recommendations.
Daily Update: March 21-22, 2020
Students who have not received permission to remain on campus should no longer be in residence halls or other academic/service buildings. The College continues to closely monitor developments in Minnesota and at the national level. Additional communication to students remaining on campus, employees, and the Gustavus community will be sent via email as the situation…
Jennifer (Halvorsen) Celaya ’10
Wedding, of Christopher Celaya and Jennifer (Halvorsen) Celaya ’10, on 11/02/2019, Florence, AZ
Ryan Hartzell ’10
Wedding, of Haley Hartzell (Moritz) ’12 and Ryan Hartzell ’10, on 08/31/2019, Forest Lake, MN.
Alicia (Alvarado) Bodie ’12
Wedding, of Kyle Bodie and Alicia Bodie ’12, on 12/14/2019, Minneapolis, MN
Heather (Rossow) Dickey ’07
Heather Rossow Dickey ’07 is a Account Manager at NPARALLEL in Plymouth, MN. At NPARALLEL, we create brand experiences that engage and energize. We partner with both brands and agencies to bring their businesses face-to-face with their customers. Our work ranges from concept design and execution for experiential marketing, trade shows, retail, pop-ups, and brand…
Martha (Keller) McBurney ’82
Martha Keller McBurney ’82 started a new position at Cell Culture Company in March of 2018, relocating to Minnesota from Illinois and she is a BioProduction Associate at Cell Culture Company in Coon Rapids, MN.