Month: November 2020
Whodunit? Gustavus Theatre Puts on Murder Mystery Radio Show
While the “Golden Age” of radio may be long past, the Department of Theatre & Dance at Gustavus Adolphus College is bringing radio performance back in its fall show, The Murder Mystery Hour: A Double Bill of Radio Thrillers. This audio-based production streams online November 13 and 15. “When we were choosing what we were…
Supplemental Technology Requests
GTS has updated their technology request process to accommodate the post-Thanksgiving learning transition. If you are in need of a laptop, webcam, MiFi, or something more specific, please submit your request at
Motley Crew Turned into Perennial MIAC Soccer Champs, Hall of Famers
Skilled foreign students, restless hockey players, frustrated football players, curious first-years, and a few faculty – this motley crew comprised the first men’s soccer club team at Gustavus in 1966.
Monday Moments with President Bergman: November 9, 2020
Gustavus President Rebecca M. Bergman shares her thoughts with College students, faculty, and staff each week.
First Gen College Celebration!
The Library celebrates our first generation Gustavus students on the occasion of the National First Generation College Celebration. We’re here to support you on your journey! Messages from first generation faculty & staff at the Library: Dan Mollner, Librarian & Associate Professor – “I am a first generation student. My father went for one year,…
Faculty Spotlight: Laura Triplett
Laura Triplett (Geology) co-wrote an opinion piece for MinnPost discussing the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s handling of the proposed Line 3 project. The op-ed is available online.
Faculty Spotlight: Lynnea Myers
Lynnea Myers (Nursing), along with colleagues at Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota, recently published an article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders titled “Family-Centered Care: How Close Do We Get When Talking to Parents of Children Undergoing Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorders?”
Gusties vote: 2020 Presidental Election edition – As the nation waits for election results, Gusties share the importance of political involvement
College students across the United States are typically an untapped resource when it comes to presidential elections. Many students don’t vote because they aren’t sure how to, because they distrust political parties and are suspicious about the legitimacy of election results, and because they experience numerous large life changes which can overshadow voting responsibilities. However,…
Campus Safety Report (11/9/2020)
Monday, October 26th Campus Safety responded to a suspicious incident in Sorenson Hall. A student reported damage to their vehicle that was parked in the Norelius parking lot sometime between Friday, October 23 at 1630 hours and Monday, October 26 at 1330 hours. A student reported that their car had been keyed while parked in…
COVID-19 Report (11/9/2020)
COVID-19 Report Gustavus On-Campus Update As of November 2, 2020: Total Positive Cases (since August 15): 72 Current Positive Student Cases: 28 Current Positive Employee Cases: 2 Total Students in Isolation/Quarantine: 72 Students in Isolation/Quarantine On Campus: 19 Employees in Isolation/Quarantine: 11 This data set is meant to encompass the on-campus impact of COVID-19 by…