Month: February 2020

  • Campus tastes and celebrates different cultures at Fast-a-Thon event

    Gustavus held its Fast-a-Thon on Thursday, Feb. 20, an event that has been happening since 2013. The Multifaith Leadership Council (MLC) and Muslim Students Association (MSA). “[We] decided to work on this program together. Both groups belong to the Diversity Leadership Council (DLC), which encourages partnering with other student organizations,” Interfaith Program Coordinator and Professor…

  • Campus Safety Report (2/28/2020)

    Monday, February 17th A Gustavus employee reported the loss of a campus key. A student reported possibly being drugged while at an off-campus gathering. Campus Safety was contacted in regards to a mental health concern. Campus Safety performed a welfare check on a student of concern. Campus Safety responded to Non-GAC criminal damage to a…

  • Climate talk continues at Gustavus: University of Maine professor brings book-based lecture to campus

    University of Maine Professor Paul Mayewski visited campus February 26, to present a lecture titled “Journey into Climate.” Dr. Mayewski is an acclaimed glaciologist, climate scientist and explorer, as well as the Director of the Climate Change Institute and a Professor in the School of Earth and Climate Sciences as well as several other departments…

  • Sports to stats: Dennis Lock lectures on campus: NFL statistician brings Gustavus insight into the world of football

    Last week, Gustavus students had the opportunity to hear a statistician talk about their work. However, Dennis Lock is no ordinary statistician. Lock works for the NFL as the Director of Football Research and Strategy for the Buffalo Bills. His talk gave students the opportunity to learn more about a real life application of their…

  • Demolishing the political boys’ club

    With the Minnesota Presidential Primary coming up on Tuesday, March 3, I’m sure that the election is weighing heavy on your minds. Or, that’s what my political science major mind wants to tell myself. In my perfect world, we would all be very interested in elections and politics, and we would all vote in every…

  • Tolerating the intolerance

    In the year 2020, dietary restrictions have become something that many of us have learned to recognize and respect in our communities. People need to be able to take care of their bodies, and a big part of that is through what they eat. Some dietary restrictions are not optional such as those that are…

  • The real value of the real world

    It’s only the third week of school, and I’ve only been on campus for about a week. And I plan on missing several more days later this semester. I don’t usually miss this much school, but this semester I’ve been given a lot of great opportunities that I couldn’t pass up; these opportunities have included…

  • Introverts are tired of being misunderstood

    It is my belief that introversion as a personality trait is deeply misunderstood, especially by extroverts. Introversion is not the same as shyness. Introversion does not mean that one doesn’t like to talk to people; many introverts love conversation. We just interact with the world and its energies differently than extroverts. Introverts tend to get…

  • Track and Field competes at Mankato: Rooney competes at USATF Indoor Championships

    After competing with a split squad at SDSU and Carleton the weekend of February 15, the Gustavus Men’s and Women’s Track and Field teams competed in Mankato this past weekend in their last meet before the MIAC Indoor Championships. While one group stayed closer to home and competed at Carleton, a number of Gusties traveled…