Month: May 2024

  • Senior Art Exhibition now open in the Hillstrom Museum of Art

    Colleen Coleman- The Gustavus Senior Studio Art majors recently presented their final exhibition: “Sincerely Yours, The Comeback Kids,” a capstone of their artistic careers at Gustavus. The exhibition is now on display in the Hillstrom Museum of Art on the lower level of the Campus Center and will be shown until May 25th. The exhibit…

  • Gustie of the Week: Tom LoFaro

    Amelia Dewberry & Willa Brown- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Clifford M. Swanson Professor of Mathematics, Thomas LoFaro. He is also the department chair for Math, Computer Science, and Statistics. LoFaro earned his B.A. and M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Missouri and his Ph.D. from Boston University. However, he did not…

  • The Entrepreneur Cup returns to Gustavus

    Elliot Steeves- The annual Gustie Entrepreneur Cup will take place in the Beck Atrium on Saturday, May 11th, at 11:00 a.m. The event is the culmination of a multi-step process for several student projects involving their new business ideas. The Cup is a competition and learning opportunity for students in which they develop original entrepreneurial…

  • Finals season descends upon GAC

    Grace LaTourelle- The sun is shining and the ever-persistent winds are blowing students straight into Finals Season. With the 2023-2024 school year coming to a close, Gusties are encouraged to get outside, enjoy the remaining weeks on The Hill, and lock in for finals. “‘Locking in’ means that you need to get it together and…

  • Seeds of Hope: Giving Tree comes back to spread kindness

    Katie Samek- The Community Engagement Center is partnering with Seeds of Hope to bring children in need an unforgettable summer camp experience, and they’re collecting donations via the Giving Tree. Students interested in donating can go downstairs in the Jackson Campus Center and find the two inflatable palm trees set up by the Courtyard Cafe,…

  • Asian Night Market shows off culture with style and color

    Taylor Storlien- Each year, the Asian Student Union puts on the Asian Night Market. There, students are welcome to play games, win prizes, enjoy food and drinks, and be entertained by both student and professional performances. This year, they had the Lions Dancer group called Tay Phoung Lions perform, as well as two circus performers:…

  • Black Rain

    Will Sorg- This is not a movie about the bombing of Hiroshima. It is, but not really. Black Rain is a 1989 film by Japanese director Sh?hei Imamura, about what happened after the bombs – a story rarely told, especially to Western audiences. In the film, there is a hauntingly well-done portrayal of the attack…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Maria Isabel Kalbermatten

    Maria Isabel Kalbermatten (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) published the article “Depicting ‘La Grieta‘: The Role of Political Satire and Humor in Argentinean Polarization.” In this article, Kalbermatten explores “la grieta” in Argentine society, the deep and irreconcilable division, primarily between Kirchneristas and Anti-Kirchneristas, that fragments and polarizes the nation. It significantly shapes political, social,…

  • Tavan Radke: 2024 Recipient of the Lee and Laurie Walker Scholarship Award

    Tavan Radke ‘27, a first year theater major, has a stage presence that fills a room upon arrival. Having spent much of his life on stage, he knows how to capture and keep an audience’s attention. Radke has most recently performed in William Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, directed by Matt Trucano, playing the emotionally complex role of…

  • Get Ready Gusties Newsletter 1 (May 2)

    We’re so excited that you’ve chosen Gustavus! Now, let the fun—and forms!—begin. In addition to mailing you important information throughout the summer, we’ll also email you this Get Ready Gusties e-newsletter. Here you’ll find tips, tricks, and to-do items for the journey to your first day as a Gustie. If you can’t find what you need or…