Month: October 2021

  • Annual DLC carnival returns

    Korri Wojack – Staff Writer The Diversity Leadership Council put on their carnival Wednesday October 20 in Alumni Hall. The carnival is held every year so that the campus community has an opportunity to see and learn about all of the organizations that are a working part of DLC during the year, and to see some…

  • GUSTIE of the WEEK: Kevin Birr

    Zhipeng Li – Staff Writer Needing advice on dining service, but afraid there is no one you could talk to? Need extra information for your upcoming curling practice? Or even simply yearning for some wild mushrooms— Kevin Birr is the one you should talk to here in the Gustavus community. Serving for the Gustavus community as…

  • Q&A hosts 17th annual drag show

    Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer Queers and Allies is a student-led organization here on the Gustavus campus, dedicated to fostering positive relationships within and among students of LGBTQIA+ identity and allies. The group seeks to raise awareness on issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community, be a resource for those questioning or not yet out, create an inclusive…

  • Andy Stoll comes to Gustavus

    Kaitlin McCoskey – Staff Writer Have you ever wanted to travel? Have you studied abroad? Do you want to travel after graduation? Andy Stoll came to campus on Tuesday, October 19 to discuss these topics. A world traveler himself, Stoll was invited by CAB to speak to Gustavus students about his experience traveling and the value…

  • How to walk past “friends”

    Jonas Doerr – Opinion Columnist They’re everywhere. The Caf. The library. The sidewalks. Even bathrooms sometimes. The only way to escape them is to hole up in one’s dorm, and even that’s not foolproof. What is this menace that lurks on the Gustavus campus? “Friends.” As the saying goes, there are three types of people in…

  • Where can I get the best pumpkin spice latte in St. Peter?

    Emma Pufahl – Opinion Columnist I love fall and all of its foods and drinks. Pumpkin pie is my favorite pie so naturally Pumpkin Spice Lattes are a seasonal must. Don’t worry Gusties, I tried every (hot) Pumpkin Spice Latte in St. Peter so you don’t have to. Coming in last… River Rock… They don’t…

  • The vibes are immaculate

    Hailley Brune – Opinion Columnist While it was still warm, I took a walk in the Arb after my classes were over. It was lovely. I haven’t spent a lot of time in the Arb, so I haven’t seen a lot of it. What I learned was that the Arb is really big and there’s a…

  • The beauty of spooky season

    Bella Loxtercamp – Opinion Columnist It’s fall, y’all, and I don’t know about you, but I have been Stressed with a capital S. Midterms are over, but we’re still in the thick of things. Club meetings, papers, tests, projects, classes, work, eating, socializing, sleep, and it goes on and on and on, yeah. I throw my…

  • Are your student loans really being forgiven?

    Marcjanna Taylor – Opinion Columnist Student loans have been around since the 60’s, but student debt wasn’t as high as it is today. So what changed? Who’s to blame? During the 80s The Reagan administration pushed through Congress a bunch of tax and or budget cuts so that the states would have to pay so much…