Year: 2020

  • Closer than Most: Athletic Training in the age of COVID-19

    As Gustie student-athletes start to get into the nitty-gritty of their practice-intensive seasons, their bodies have started to feel the strain. As a result, the Athletic Training room has been a busy place as of late. The fact that this service can still be provided, however, is a testament to the resiliency of the Gustavus…

  • Female Athlete Of the Decade: Ashley Becker

    The Gustavus Female Athlete of the Decade tournament has concluded after four weeks of polling. The final round came down to volleyball player Nora Holtan and soccer player Ashley Becker, both of whom were 2019 Gustavus graduates. After a tightly contested 48 hours of final-round voting, Ashley Becker came out on top and was declared…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Yurie Hong

    Yurie Hong (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies) was a panelist for a session entitled “Getting it White: Activism Out of the Armchair” sponsored by The Women’s Center at MSU Mankato. This panel was the third in a three-part series on fighting white supremacy both on campus and off.

  • Faculty Spotlight: Glenn Kranking

    Glenn Kranking (History and Scandinavian Studies) was a featured participant in the webinar “Propaganda Everywhere: Teaching Propaganda Across the Disciplines,” hosted by Media Education Lab. His participation arose from his history seminar course, We Want You: Propaganda in the Modern World.

  • Google Workspace Marketplace app changes

    The Google Workspace Marketplace offers the ability to enhance the experience provided by Google Workspace by integrating with other third-party apps such as Zoom.  Although this provides benefits, there are also additional risks as well.  Installing a third party app from the marketplace will increase the risk of data exposure since the information available in…

  • S.5 E.2: “A Place for Everyone at Gustavus”


    Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster recent graduate Joy Dunna ’20.

  • The Effects of Voter Turnout in U.S. Elections Researched by Ben Menke ‘22

    Political science and statistics student, Ben Menke ‘22 researched the effects of voter turnout in United States elections, advised by professor Chris Gilbert. Reflecting on his project, Menke emphasized the importance of shaping the future of our government no matter your political standing:. “Everyone should use their voice in government because the right to vote…

  • The Meditation of Tennis

    I’m not a good meditator.  I know I’m “supposed” to be.  We hear all the time how meditation will calm you and make you a more centered person.  I have tried.  And tried. And tried.  But “centered” and ADHD aren’t usually two concepts you use in the same sentence.  So tennis becomes my meditation. On…

  • COVID-19 Weekly Update: October 27, 2020

    TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: COVID-19 Response Leadership Team SUBJECT: COVID-19 Weekly Update DATE: October 27, 2020   Please see below for the COVID-19 weekly tip and on-campus case update.   WEEKLY TIP #1:  The Minnesota Department of Health is reporting increased community spread of COVID-19 throughout the state. Now more than ever, it is important to follow COVID-19 safety measures such as wearing a mask,…

  • October Meeting Minutes

    PCDEI Full Council – Agenda  October 27, 2020, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Zoom Call Present: President Bergman, Siri Erickson, Tom Flunker, Kathi Tunheim, Ron White, Amy Mukamuri, Carlos Mejia Suarez, Anthony Bettendorf, Angela Erickson, Corrie Odland, Kari Eckheart, Monica Mikhaeil, Meegan Ruble, Pamela Pearson, Vidya Sivan, Samantha Raghu, Marie Walker, Maheema Bokhoree, Shannon Halen, Brenda Kelly,…