Year: 2020

  • COVID-19 cases on campus spike: Are we really surprised, though?

    Gusties in the COVID era are minimizing contact with the outside world, but in the midst of it all, some students continue to work off-campus jobs. While this may first appear as an unnecessary risk, especially when there is work study available on-campus, it is not. In fact, it is a necessary and unavoidable risk…

  • Plant Parenthood: Gustie plant enthusiasts

    I think it’s fair to say that campus life isn’t what it used to be. Now that this new “Lay Low” period has begun, it’s even stranger. If you didn’t already feel as if your social life was dwindling, you do now that the school has decided to prohibit students from visiting any other person’s…

  • Taking A Stroll Through 7 Mile Creek

    Just down the road from the Gustavus campus is a 628 acre park beloved by many Gusties. Seven Mile Creek is a Nicollet County Park that is home to wild turkey, deer, squirrels and the occasional Gustavus student going for a hike. Over the years, Gustavus athletics teams and clubs have utilized the vast and…

  • Calling Timeout: Gustie athletics begin “lay-low” period

    A sudden uptick in COVID-19 cases this past week prompted a drastic adjustment in campus-wide prevention measures. The “lay low” announcement detailed in President Bergman’s email on November 6 to the student body had especially far-reaching implications for student-athletes finishing off their fall season before Thanksgiving. For some, the news of tightened restrictions was not…

  • Senior Spotlight: Andrew Stumbo (Men’s Track & Field)

    Entering the limelight this week?in a time when his humor could not be more appreciated nor needed? is Senior Andrew Stumbo of the Male Cross-Country team. Originating from Ogden High School in Boone, Iowa, Stumbo has been involved in athletics since elementary school, and has done Gustavus proud over his athletic career here- this past…

  • S.5 E.6: Playing, Performing, and Teaching Piano


    Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews Gustavus music professor and pianist Esther Wang.

  • National Native American Heritage Month

    November is National Native American Heritage Month. If you’re in the Library, stop by and visit our Native American Heritage Month display – and borrow one of the books to read over break! Resources for Native American Heritage Month: American Indian Movement & Native American Radicalism Collection Minnesota Indian Affairs Council Minnesota Indian Tribes (Links…

  • Gustavus to Expand, Relocate Center for Inclusive Excellence

    Gustavus will begin renovating the lower level of the Johnson Student Union on November 23.

  • Christmas in Christ Chapel 2020

    In the midst of a global pandemic and ongoing social discord, Christmas in Christ Chapel 2020, “Healer of the Nations, Come,” will proclaim God’s healing presence made manifest in the salvation story, renewing mind and spirit through life–giving music, dance, spoken word, and visual arts. This year, Christmas in Christ Chapel will only be a…

  • COVID-19 Weekly Update: November 10, 2020

    TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: COVID-19 Response Leadership Team SUBJECT: COVID-19 Weekly Update DATE: November 10, 2020   Please see below for the COVID-19 weekly tip and on-campus case update.   WEEKLY TIP #1: More information about this Friday’s on-campus mass testing event in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Health and Nicollet County Public Health will be sent via email this afternoon. All students, faculty,…