Month: November 2020

  • COVIDaware MN app for exposure notification

    Today the State of Minnesota, following several other states, launched a COVID-19 exposure notification app called COVIDaware MN that can be installed on your mobile phone.  This app will notify you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.  To learn more about how this app works, its…

  • Adobe Flash end of life

    Adobe has announced that Adobe Flash will be end of life December 31, 2020.  After this date, Adobe Flash will no longer receive security updates or patches from Adobe.  Due to the very high security risk of this application, Adobe Flash will no longer be available on Gustavus owned machines after this date.  At this…

  • Monday Moments with President Bergman: November 23, 2020

    Gustavus President Rebecca M. Bergman shares her thoughts with College students, faculty, and staff each week.

  • Thrive in the Dive: The Center for Inclusive Excellence receives an expansion upgrade

    In an announcement sent out last week on Nov. 12, President Rebecca Bergman announced that the Center for Inclusive Excellence (CIE) will be receiving an expansion upgrade. It is said that this new upgrade will more than quadruple its current square footage. It will include new workspaces, dedicated offices for the Diversity Leadership Council and…

  • Campus Safety Report (11/20/2020)

    Monday, November 9th A CF in Pittman Hall was informed by a resident of vandalism on a bulletin board. Campus Safety was contacted in regards to a mental health concern. Campus Safety performed a welfare check on a student in Norelius Hall. Tuesday, November 10th Campus Safety discovered a missing juvenile in Olin Hall. The…

  • COVID-19 Report (11/20/2020)

    COVID-19 Report Gustavus On-Campus Update As of November 16, 2020: Total Positive Cases (since August 15): 176 Current Positive Student Cases: 42 Current Positive Employee Cases: 4 Total Students in Isolation/Quarantine: 147 Students in Isolation/Quarantine On Campus: 68 Employees in Isolation/Quarantine: 14 Gustavus Mass-Testing Results From November 13, 2020: Number of Tests Administered: 1,373 Results…

  • Mass testing brings relief to on-campus COVID-19 fears

    On Friday, November 13, Gustavus held a campus-wide mass testing event in Lund in the hopes of identifying anyone on campus who had an unidentified case of COVID-19. The Gustavus Health Service teamed up with the Minnesota Department of Health and Nicollet County Public Health to plan the mass testing. Staff from the Marketing and…

  • CAB embraces campus-wide “Lay Low” period with a series of virtual events

    The Campus Activities Board was designed with the fundamental goals of enriching the social and recreational needs of the entire Gustavus community, according to their mission statement. Following a campus-wide “Lay Low” COVID-19 mandate by President Rebecca Bergman, college-recognized student groups and organizations are to immediately cease all in-person events. CAB has since released a…

  • Tales From Abroad: The Infamous Spring 2020

    Studying away is one of the hallmark experiences many Gustavus students get to enjoy during their Gustie career. Some go on two or three week-long trips for J-term, and others leave for full semesters; a special group of us went in the infamous Spring of 2020. I interviewed seven Gusties who were studying away around…

  • Gustie of the Week: Luke Yang

    Students may already know this week’s Gustie of the Week as “the guy with the camera.” “I got better and better at taking photos and I think at one point I kind of became synonymous with the camera, like ‘he’s the dude around campus with the camera,’” Junior Luke Yang said. A Communication Studies major…