Month: March 2020
Ryan Hartzell ’10
Wedding, of Haley Hartzell (Moritz) ’12 and Ryan Hartzell ’10, on 08/31/2019, Forest Lake, MN.
Alicia (Alvarado) Bodie ’12
Wedding, of Kyle Bodie and Alicia Bodie ’12, on 12/14/2019, Minneapolis, MN
Heather (Rossow) Dickey ’07
Heather Rossow Dickey ’07 is a Account Manager at NPARALLEL in Plymouth, MN. At NPARALLEL, we create brand experiences that engage and energize. We partner with both brands and agencies to bring their businesses face-to-face with their customers. Our work ranges from concept design and execution for experiential marketing, trade shows, retail, pop-ups, and brand…
Martha (Keller) McBurney ’82
Martha Keller McBurney ’82 started a new position at Cell Culture Company in March of 2018, relocating to Minnesota from Illinois and she is a BioProduction Associate at Cell Culture Company in Coon Rapids, MN.
Danika Anastasi ’12
Danika Anastasi ’12 is an Executive Director at New Perspective Senior Living in Eagan, MN. She was selected as Executive Director Participant in 2020 Leading4Life Fellowship.
Daily Update: March 20, 2020
Additional communication was sent to students (and forwarded to parents) about the possibility of a “shelter in place” order that may be issued by government authorities in the coming days. The President’s Cabinet held a virtual meeting with the Gustavus Board of Trustees to discuss the College’s response to COVID-19 and plans moving forward.
Additional Information for Students
Dear Students, State governments across the country are considering issuing orders to “shelter in place.” Shelter in place would likely mean that all non-essential travel is locked down and people are ordered to stay in their homes or at their place of residence. There is a growing possibility that Minnesota and/or the federal government will…
My Actions Are My Only True Possessions
Who are you without March Madness? Who are you without the pro tennis circuit? Who are you without the NBA to distract you? The NHL? MLB? Theater? Concerts? Restaurants and bars? Your synagogue, church, mosque, temple? Who are you without your job as custodian? Or teacher? Or fund raiser? Or musician? Or server? Or tennis…
Rorman Named D3hoops West Region Rookie of the Year
Caitlin Rorman (Fy., Blue Earth) capped off her first year campaign by being named the D3hoops West Region Rookie of the Year.