Month: March 2020

  • Women’s History Month: Notable Gustie Alumnae

    Happy March, Gusties! In the United States, March is Women’s History Month, a month dedicated to celebrate the often-overlooked contributions of women in history and highlight their vital role in American society. Another important date, International Women’s Day, was observed recently on March 8. This day is recognized globally and acknowledges the social, political, economic,…

  • Networking works

    With job and internship hunting season in full swing, it can be stressful leaving your future job in the hands of an electronic application which recruiters see hundreds of everyday. I don’t think any of us are unfamiliar with the word networking, but some may be unfamiliar with how to do it. Networking truly does…

  • The Great Girl Scout Cookie Debate

    Girl Scout Cookies are a national staple, and we are currently in the thick of cookie season. Girl Scouts are selling their wares in front of every building that exists, and all your relatives with six year-olds are Facebook messaging you about it. We buy these overpriced boxes of heaven every single time we see…

  • Reshaping religious education at Gustavus

    One of Gustavus’ proud traditions is its strong commitment to faith and its Lutheran affiliation. In fact, a significant number of students that choose to attend Gustavus value that Gustavus, as a private school, has this religious affiliation. With Faith serving as one of our five core values, it makes sense that as a Gustavus…

  • Teams battle for intramural hockey title

    The Intramural Coed Hockey season following January term has given way to some hard-fought matchups between several teams that are fighting for a first place finish. The season wraps up March 20, and all teams have either two or three games remaining. The race for first place is tight, with the leading team holding a…

  • Gusties compete at WIAC Regional: Gymnastics posts team score of 175.925

    In their past two weeks of action, the Gustavus gymnastics team hosted UW-Oshkosh on February 29 for a senior day celebration and then competed in the joint WIAC Championships/NCGA Regional Meet on March 7. A tough opponent for the last dual meet of the season, UW-Oshkosh entered the competition first overall in the WIAC at…