Category: classes

  • E/M guest speaker, Niel Willardson, visited Money and Banking class and presented “Silicon Valley Bank Failure.”

    It is the third time our guest speaker, Niel Willardson (currently professor of law at University of Minnesota; former senior vice president at the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis), coming to Prof. Shu-Ling Wang’s Money and Banking class and shared his insights on banking with the Gustavus community. Different from the previous talks on global and…

  • Experiential Learning for Students and Alumni

    Each semester students in Cathy Harm’s Marketing Class complete a semester-long group project. Students have the opportunity to work with alumni-connected companies and non-profit organizations to help solve marketing challenges.    This allows students to apply what they are currently learning in class and apply it in real-life situations. Students also gain experience in teamwork,…

  • J-term 2023: Opportunity to Study Economics of Innovation

    This January, Economics and Management Department will offer a one-time special topics course: Economics of Innovation (E/M-244). There are no prerequisites for this course and it counts as an elective for all E/M majors.   Course Description: Just a couple of centuries ago, most people lived lives that were “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”…

  • Ungrading

    By Professor Kathy Lund Dean When I read about the current state of mind our students are carrying around, I see descriptions from educators all over the world like, “They’re so done” or “They are completely disengaged” “They are not interested in learning anything.” From my perspective, and what seems to be going on with…

  • Consider These Courses for Fall 2022

    As registration for the fall semester approaches, students should consider taking Introduction to Management or Marketing. These courses are offered by the Economics & Management Department, however, they are applicable to many areas of study. Students from all majors are encouraged to enroll.  Introduction to Management: Helpful for All Students Introduction to Management (E/M 160)…