Year: 2020

  • Gustie of the Week: Ana Martinez

    International students are a large component of Gustavus’s unique community. This week’s Gustie of The Week is Sophomore Ana Martinez from Mexico City, Mexico. She enrolled at Gustavus because she wanted to study in the U.S. and after looking at several schools, she knew Gustavus was the one. Martinez is planning to major in Business…

  • Hypnotist Chris Jones makes annual return to campus

    The hypnotist show is a staple of the Gustavus experience. Every year, hypnotist Chris Jones performs his fun and interactive show with the Gustavus student body– specifically, the first-years during orientation weekend. The show is full of comedy and intrigue as the magic of Jones plays out in the short hour or two that he…

  • Five Things to Remember When Returning to Campus

    Since upperclassmen Gusties have been finally given the clearance to return to campus this weekend, it is brutally important that everyone remember to take safety precautions to avoid being sent home once again. While it’s pretty obvious that we should remember our masks, here are a few other things to remember when coming back to…

  • Respecting a Lost Leader

    We should all be thanking Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) right now. And we definitely should have been thanking her before her death. The way that American women move through the world is radically different than the way they did over fifty years ago. While five decades may seem like quite a long time ago, consider…

  • It’s Okay Not to Know

    I started my undergraduate degree feeling certain that I would major in Political Science. I knew that I wanted to work in government or the nonprofit sector. I felt good about this certainty I possessed and, at times, better than others because of it. When friends would say they were undecided in their major, I…

  • Sports are back (kind of): Gusties prepare to return to campus for athletic practices

    Gustavus athletes and coaches are set to return to practice this fall. Though all sports in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) have been postponed until next year, teams are finding ways to work with COVID guidelines in order to prepare for the upcoming season. Protocols have been put in place to help keep athletes…

  • Athlete of the Decade contest heats up: Voting has officially begun for the Gustie Athlete of the Decade

    It’s been a tough week of competition for some of the most accomplished Gustie athletes of the last decade, full of landslides and close calls. However, unlike the competitions these athletes excelled in to earn their prestige, the winner of this competition is decided by the votes of their peers. The first round of voting…

  • Senior Athlete Q&A: Senior athletes reflect on their upcoming final season.

    With the 2020-2021 season being this year’s seniors final seasons, now more than ever it is important to take a moment and reflect upon the journey and what lies ahead for senior athletes. The Gustavian Weekly interviewed five senior Gustie athletes for their thoughts. Senior Hailey Auran (Swim and Dive) Q: What is your favorite…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Stadick

    Jessica Stadick (Nursing) published an article in the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice titled “Understanding health care professionals’ attitudes towards working in teams and interprofessional collaborative competencies: A mixed methods analysis.” This article focused on the qualitative data from a mixed methods study; the quantitative data was previously published in the same journal earlier…

  • Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Stadick

    Jessica Stadick (Nursing) published an article in Public Health Nursing with Kirstin Buck ’17, and former faculty member Marian Frazier. The publication was led by Buck and was based on her undergraduate research study while she was a Gustavus nursing student. The study is titled, “Preparing for sperm-targeted contraception: College students’ perceptions and intentions related…