Tag: 2003
Nadine Lysiak ’03
Nadine Lysiak ’03 (left) and Jeffrey Cowan were married in Stockton Springs, Maine. Sara Brown ’01 (right) and her husband Alex Woods were so glad to be in attendance, congratulations!
Hans Sviggum ’03
Former 2003 classmates and basketball teammates, Ryan Barnick and Hans Sviggum met as opposing 4th-grade basketball coaches in Kasson, MN. Coach Mark Hanson would not have been impressed with the quality of the coaching, but the game was an overtime thriller! During the day, Ryan Barnick is the assistant principal at Ellis Middle School in…
Rob (Andrew) Jeppson ’03
Avery Lyn to Rob Andrew Jeppson ’03 and Sarah Miller Jeppson ‘, 08/31/2019