Author: admin
Updates and Reminders for Fall
Fall Technology Helpline Hours The Technology Services Helpline will be available this fall from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Friday. We will be closed Saturday and Sunday. During office hours, you may stop by our main floor Olin location for personal assistance, or we encourage…
Nobel Conference Speaker Daniel Eisenberg
During the pandemic, it has not been difficult to identify new, pressing challenges faced by young people—challenges that can have a significant impact on their mental health. Likewise, we can quite readily identify the impacts of new technologies on young persons’ mental health. However, while it is undoubtedly the case that both the pandemic and…
Nobel Conference Speaker G. Nic Rider
Dr. G. Nic Rider. Their lecture at the conference is titled, “Radical Healing and Inclusive Change-Making: Centering Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities.” Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people–those whose experiences of their gender do not match the gender they were assigned at birth–face substantial health disparities when compared to their cisgender counterparts (persons whose gender…
Nobel Conference Speaker Manuela Barreto
Dr. Manuela Barreto, Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology, University of Exeter. Her lecture will be “It takes a village to make someone lonely.” In 2018, 55,000 people completed an online survey, the “Loneliness Experiment.” It was the largest study of loneliness to date. Among its findings: young people (16 to 24) reported feeling lonely…
Zoom Licensing and Support to End
The College’s institutional Zoom licensing agreement is set to expire at the end of June. Based on survey results and feedback received earlier this year, along with recommendations from the Academic Technology Committee (ATC) and Technology Services, there are no plans to renew this agreement. While Technology Services will no longer be able to offer…
New Staff/Faculty Account Access Policy
Recent changes to our licensing agreement with Google have necessitated further examination of our account access practices. Specifically, we’ve been forced to look at ways to reduce the number of active accounts. Some of this work was already in progress due to ongoing security concerns, but the additional licensing issues have made this an imperative.…
Nobel Conference Speaker Meryl Alper
Dr. Meryl Alper is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Northeastern University, where she is a Faculty Scholar with the Northeastern University Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research. Her lecture at the conference will be “Supporting Mental Health among Autistic Youth in the Digital Age.” The impact of technology on young people’s mental…
Nobel Conference speaker Priscilla Lui
Dr. Priscilla Lui is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Southern Methodist University. Her lecture at the conference will be “Scientific understanding of racism and discrimination experiences: A path toward mental health equity.” Young people are exhibiting symptoms of depression at alarmingly high rates, and responding to them with maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance abuse…
COVID-19 Update & Mass Testing: May 9, 2022
TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: COVID-19 Response Leadership Team SUBJECT: COVID-19 Update & Mass Testing DATE: May 9, 2022 While Nicollet County and the state of Minnesota remain in the green category according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, on-campus COVID-19 numbers have increased in the last 10 days and remain at a relatively…