Google Drive Storage Limits

Google recently began enforcing storage limits for educational clients. As a result, we will need to proceed with plans to enforce quotas. Our target date for this change to take effect is currently September 2023. While most users will fall within an acceptable range, it is recommended that this allotment is closely monitored and used appropriately. To that end, please keep the following things in mind:

  1. Do not store personal files and information on your Gustavus Google Drive.
    1. Move any such files to a personal account.
  2. Do not “clean house” by deleting everything in your Google Drive.
    1. A careful, pragmatic approach will ensure that you don’t lose anything important.
    2. We do not anticipate that many users will be forced to expunge/transfer large amounts of Google Drive data to meet a quota.
    3. View your current usage at:
  3. Do consider your current and future digital storage needs.
    1. Our roadmap will make clear a variety of storage options, including Google Drive. 
    2. We will provide guidance on how best to use these options.
    3. If you rely on Google Drive for storing large amounts of data, please give some thought to how you can manage your usage or budget for additional space.
    4. Consider business continuity, security, and privacy when sharing files in Google Drive. We recommend storing files in Shared Drives whenever possible.

Google Drive will continue to be the main storage solution for most users and most scenarios. However, we will be providing a revamped suite of options that may prove useful by offering situationally appropriate alternatives to reduce some of the dependence on Google Drive. For some, the more realistic and long term solution may involve paying for additional Google Drive storage. We plan to include this option as part of our overall plan for September. You can expect more details in the coming weeks and months.

If you have questions or concerns about how these changes may impact you or your department, please feel free to contact the Technology Services Helpline.