Month: December 2022
Maddie Miller ‘20
“My time in the Gustavus Theatre & Dance Department really pushed me to explore all sides of myself as an artist through careful reflection and consideration of my creative intentions. This has taught me to be resilient and open to change which have both been essential in the current global climate.”
Sydney Sutherland ’22
“I was initially drawn to Gustavus because of the opportunities to work both onstage and backstage. As I got more experience, I was drawn to stage management and assistant stage management because I was able to view the full scope of the process, and found joy in taking on a leadership role within the department.…
Aurora Schelmeske ’24
“Theater at Gustavus has been such an invigorating experience for me! Exploring shows under the guidance of these fantastic professors is a joy. I am so grateful every day for the chance to participate in this wonderful community of creatives!”
Ella Schwakopf ’25
“Being a part of the dance program at Gustavus has brought me a sense of joy. Through experiences onstage and in the studio, the department has helped me find and explore my own sense of movement. The faculty truly pushes, supports, and cares about your growth as an individual. Becoming involved in the Theatre &…
Robbie Swenson ’25
“Theatre at Gustavus is rad! My actor peers are so welcoming and talented, professors in the department are knowledgeable, and the people behind the scenes are skilled and hardworking. Even as a first-year student last year, I felt a strong sense of belonging in the Gustavus theater community, which was wonderful. I thoroughly enjoy being…
Kelsi Rygg ’25
“Being in the dance program my first year has been an amazing experience. Coming in, I met so many welcoming people and I really found my place here at Gustavus. Gustavus dance has allowed me to grow as a dancer and person, build my confidence, and has given me a place to express myself. I…
Samuel Peter ’23
“The Gustavus Department of Theatre & Dance has given me a chance to work closely with faculty and to develop my own unique path as I’ve discovered my creative ambitions. I’ve also found that the student community is incredibly welcoming, talented, and driven to pursue their dreams — whether onstage or behind the scenes.”
Houston McLaury ’25
“If you’re starting in theatre or looking to make a career in theatre, the department is great to seek opportunities, work with amazing people, and make great friends! The department offers so many pursuits, from technical aspects with light, sound, and set design to all the excellent acting classes offered.”
Beatrice Korver ’23
“GAC theatre has given me the opportunity to explore and be involved in all areas of interest I have had. I’ve been able to find what I want to pursue and follow that path. Also, playing with movers and LEDs is fun!”
Lillian Kline ’22
“In my first two years at Gustavus I had several tastes of what physical theatre is, and the difference between ensemble based work vs. doing a show with casted roles. I was part of a student directed physical theatre piece, Tethered, took a performance J-term that paired Suzuki acting technique with Viewpoints, and was part…