“When I enter an education class, I immediately feel like I belong with my peers and that my professor is there to help me learn to the best of my potential.”
Allison was drawn to the Education Department due to the opportunities to “make a positive difference in the lives of children” and provide “a fun and positive experience” for her future students.
On campus, Allison is a member of the Women’s Tennis team, works at the Swanson Tennis Center front desk, and teaches private lessons. This passion for tennis has encouraged her to minor in coaching.
Sports have always been a big part of her life, and she hopes to pass this passion on to younger generations. She explained “I would love to use my passion to give back to kids involved in youth athletics and hopefully make sport a joyful environment for them too.”
Within the Education Department, Allison points to hands-on experience as valuable preparation for her future career. “A lot of learning in the Education Department comes from just simply being in the classroom.” Allison said that many required classes allow students to get firsthand experience in schools, and that this is the best way to learn in this field. Allison also feels that the faculty within the department are helpful in suggesting courses as well as helping students find opportunities for career preparation off-campus.
Allison has had an especially positive relationship with Professor Bri Miller, saying “I always feel like I can go to her with any questions I have because she is very understanding, helpful, and committed to her students.”