Google Drive and Storage Changes

Google previously announced that it would be removing unlimited Drive storage for educational clients. The specific timeline for this change has proven elusive, but it now appears that a January 2024 transition date is likely. With this in mind, Technology Services has been working on a roadmap for digital storage. Google Drive will still factor heavily into this plan, but we will need to enforce reasonable limits in order to stay within our allotted space. It is important to mention that no action is required at this time. We will continue to communicate as this deadline approaches, but for now, we would like to make these simple recommendations:

  1. Do not store personal files and information on your Gustavus Google Drive.
    1. Move any such files to a personal account.
  2. Do not “clean house” by deleting everything in your Google Drive.
    1. A careful, pragmatic approach will ensure that you don’t lose anything important.
    2. We do not anticipate that any users will be forced to expunge large amounts of Google Drive data to meet a quota.
  3. Do consider your current and future digital storage needs.
    1. Our roadmap will make clear a variety of storage options, including Google Drive. 
    2. We will provide guidance on how best to use these options.
    3. If you rely on Google Drive for storing large amounts of data, please give some thought to how you can manage your usage.

As a reminder, no action is required at this time, but we want you to be aware of future changes that may impact the way you store your data. Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible by providing you with information and options. Please contact the Technology Services Helpline (507-933-6111 or if you have any questions or concerns!