Month: September 2021

  • Faculty Spotlight: Greg Kaster

    Greg Kaster (History) was one of 18 college and university faculty from around the nation selected to participate in a seminar on “The American Civil War: Origins and Consequences,” led by Gary Gallagher, the John L. Nau III Professor in the History of the American Civil War Emeritus at the University of Virginia. Sponsored by…

  • Constitution Day 2021

    Feel free to stop by the library and visit our Constitution Day book display – you can even pick up a FREE pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution.  The pocket constitutions are located near the main entrance on the second floor. If you’re not on campus, we encourage you to visit the library’s online Constitution…

  • Student Senate Application 2021-2022

    If you are interested in joining Student Senate, fill out the application form by Monday, September 20th at 4pm. Elections will be held on Thursday, September 23rd from 9:30am-10:00pm. Student Senate positions include: Class Representatives Residential Hall Representatives Off-Campus Representatives International Student Representative For a complete list of positions, visit the Meet Your Senators page.…

  • Get to Know a Gustie: Damon Larson ’84

    Current Company/Organization: Librarian/Research Coach at Chaparral High School, Parker, Colorado Grad Year: 1984 Major: English & Psychology Hometown: Longmont, Colorado Current City: Denver, Colorado What is your first Gustavus memory? I remember meeting my fellow freshmen on 4th North during Freshman Orientation. A number of these good men became lifelong friends. What was your favorite class…