PCDEI Full Council – Agenda
April 14, 2021, 3:30- 4:30 p.m., Zoom Call
Present: President Bergman, Siri Erickson, Tom Flunker, Kathi Tunheim, Ron White, Amy Mukamuri, Carlos Mejia Suarez, Angela Erickson, Kari Eckheart, Pamela Pearson, Marie Walker, Alexys Guidry, Vidya Sivan, Corrie Odland, Anthony Bettendorf, Daniel Sellers, Kinzee Salo, Frederick Smith, Kareem Watts, Valerie Banschbach, Monica Mikhaeil, Maheema Bokhoree – Unable to attend: Margaret Block Qazi, Shannon Halen, Samantha Raghu,
- Check-in: time to reflect on our Minnesota and campus context and how it is impacting you/our work
Our work should reflect that we don’t just care about DEI when an issue arises but we care all the time.
- Discussion of themes from community responses to the PCDEI Listening Session Summary Report; work on recommendations for tangible next steps/action items
The committee looked over and reflected on the report. Provided ideas for how the college will respond to and take actions based on the report and continuing DEI work.
- PCDEI Updates: DCAT, Linnaeus Deliberation Circle, Fundraising, VP Search and Campus Readiness, DEI Education
Tabled for the next meeting.
- DEI updates from around the Gustavus DEI Ecosystem
Tabled for the next meeting.