Month: October 2020

  • The Meditation of Tennis

    I’m not a good meditator.  I know I’m “supposed” to be.  We hear all the time how meditation will calm you and make you a more centered person.  I have tried.  And tried. And tried.  But “centered” and ADHD aren’t usually two concepts you use in the same sentence.  So tennis becomes my meditation. On…

  • COVID-19 Weekly Update: October 27, 2020

    TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: COVID-19 Response Leadership Team SUBJECT: COVID-19 Weekly Update DATE: October 27, 2020   Please see below for the COVID-19 weekly tip and on-campus case update.   WEEKLY TIP #1:  The Minnesota Department of Health is reporting increased community spread of COVID-19 throughout the state. Now more than ever, it is important to follow COVID-19 safety measures such as wearing a mask,…

  • October Meeting Minutes

    PCDEI Full Council – Agenda  October 27, 2020, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Zoom Call Present: President Bergman, Siri Erickson, Tom Flunker, Kathi Tunheim, Ron White, Amy Mukamuri, Carlos Mejia Suarez, Anthony Bettendorf, Angela Erickson, Corrie Odland, Kari Eckheart, Monica Mikhaeil, Meegan Ruble, Pamela Pearson, Vidya Sivan, Samantha Raghu, Marie Walker, Maheema Bokhoree, Shannon Halen, Brenda Kelly,…

  • Research, Collect Data, Write, and Repeat!

      Brand new research studies are being approved by the Gustavus Institutional Review Board this week in preparation for a new wave of student-led research for the 2020-2021 academic year.  Many first- and second-year students who are taking introductory-level Psychological Science courses will get to be participants in the upcoming research studies.  All of this…

  • Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Data Breaches

    Data breaches happen all the time, and often they are accompanied with little fanfare or subsequent notification to you, the user. If you’re concerned that your data may have been exposed, there’s a tool that can quickly cross-reference your Gustavus email address (or your personal email address) with known data breaches. Simply follow these steps…

  • S.5 E.1: From Graduate to President


    Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews former CEO of the Science Museum of Minnesota and former Gustavus President James Peterson.

  • Christmas (in Christ Chapel) Comes Early


    On December 19, Gusties and friends from around the world will experience CinCC in a new way and see the hard work of a devoted campus community.

  • Monday Moments with President Bergman: October 26, 2020

    Gustavus President Rebecca M. Bergman shares her thoughts with College students, faculty, and staff each week.

  • Vote 2020!

    Exercise your right to vote in the November 3 election! Voting is a hard-won right that needs to be protected and is too often taken for granted. It’s our right and our responsibility! Did you know? The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 in 1971. Learn more from the National Museum…

  • Fall Research Symposium Online is Huge Success

    The online 2020 Fall Research Symposium gave 21 student researchers the opportunity to present their research from a variety of academic disciplines. Panelists were able to interact with their peers and faculty members, answering questions and sharing the methodology and results of their Gustavus research experience.    One panel, chaired by Emma Rossow’23, involved three…