Year: 2011

  • Technology for Guest Speakers in Classes

    During the Fall semester I included more guest speakers in my classes–a children’s museum consultant, a speech pathologist, a midwife, a school social worker, a city employee, a book publisher, and a toy maker. Some of the speakers were local, while others kindly volunteered to drive down from the Twin Cities. However, sometimes the guest…

  • Google Forms for Class Waiting Lists

    Sometimes classes fill up during registration. In the past, I have gotten emails from students asking me to place them on a waiting list. However, these emails don’t always contain information that can be helpful for tracking the requests and establishing priority (e.g., their full name, their graduation class, and their reason for taking the…

  • Web-based accommodations for students

    Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) has many adopters and potential benefits. At Gustavus, one of the most common implementations of JiTT is to administer pre-class quizzes through Moodle. For web-based quizzes to be the most effective, researchers have recommended establishing time limits. However, as an accommodation, students frequently request extra time on assignments, exams, and quizzes. To…

  • Download all Moodle assignments as zip file

    This morning I noticed that if you scroll to the bottom of a Moodle assignment page, you can download all the assignments submitted by your students as one zip file. I hope that this feature was added as part of the Gustavus Moodle upgrade this summer because, otherwise, I feel pretty silly for clicking at…